Monday, November 3, 2014

Isn't it to early for "Cabin Fever"?

I think cabin fever has already struck my house. The cats are crabby, not much sun to speak of so the house is dreary. I believe that they are thinking all day about how they are going to make me crazy when I get home. Of course you all know I take care of their needs when I get here and then sit down to relax for a few minutes. Not today. I was busy with something after I fed them and then they just went nuts. Like crazy nuts. Like squirrels would take them and hide them for the winter nuts. So do you get the picture? If not this is what it was like. Phantom was stalking Jezz and she was hissing and running away trying to find a safe spot, and stalk her he did. I had to pick him up and move him to another room. He didn't stay and ran after her again until I cornered him, and then he just looked at me like WHAT? Jekyll chased Jinx around and she gets all scatter brained and starts flying through the house, with her tail fluffed three times its size, she ran up the counter onto the top of the cupboards, back down across the bed and then landed on the computer. Sophia's eyes where bugged out of her head and ears flattened to her head just waiting for the action to head her way. Unfortunately she didn't have to worry, I decided I had enough of the caterwauling. At times like this I really wonder what I was thinking, you know five cats. But then again I wouldn't know what do without them. So for now everyone has picked a spot and are being perfect peaceful little kitties. So Happy Momma.

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