Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Relax, Ha, Ha.

I just felt it in my bones, today I would go home and enjoy a nice cup of hot coffee, and some relaxing music, maybe do a load of laundry, just kick back and enjoy the evening. Right, I mean wrong, wrong, wrong. I feed the kitties their food, and as they finish Jekyll cleans up everyone's dishes, I sit down to relax. Nope not happening. Jezz for once is sitting peacefully on the couch and Phantom decides to aggravate her. He runs right up to the couch and takes a stance of dominance. Well she isn't having any of that nonsense and starts batting the couch, like she is trying to make him back off, and he keeps coming at her like the Roman army. I have to get up and stop the nonsense as everyone else decides to get in on the act. Little Sophia starts snarling, then Jinx gets her tail in a knot, Jekyll saunters over to check it out gets swatted for his efforts by Sophia, Jinx starts advancing on Phantom. Mom grabs the nearest weapon. The dreaded squirt bottle. Makes the fiendish clan scatter to the far reaches of the domain. Everyone finally comes back to the living room and settles down, I get back to my now cold coffee, and think maybe, just maybe tomorrow will be my day. Tired Mom, Settled Kitties.

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