Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Cat in a bag.

I am so amazed when you lay down a bag, and a cat almost always jumps in it. I have often wondered why. Is just a new space to check out or is it security. Maybe neither. At my house every bag or box that comes through the door is something that has to be sniffed, pawed and investigated to see where it has been or where it might go. Or is it for them. Now you know I bring boxes home for Jekyll, but recently I brought in a container that I had in my car to hold items I might need through out the week. I decided it no longer served a purpose and replaced it. So in it came, I set it on the table to use elsewhere, well when I can back from the bedroom, here sits Jekyll inside of it on the table, well I guess it got repurposed alright. It is now Jekyll property. No one else goes near it. Maybe he farts in it and it stinks, so everyone else just figures okay you can keep it. Sophia, Jinx and Phantom all have a great fascination with bags of any type, grocery bags, trash bags, paper bags and reusable. Paper bags are the best, they make noise when they jump in and if they are crouched down I just love to sneak up and scratch on the outside of the bag, makes them jump and then try and attack. Great fun. If you put something in the bag and shake it it's even more fun. Believe it or not they will try and chase something in the paper bags, and they don't have much room and it frustrates them a lot. Hey give a kid a paper bag and see how much fun they can have. All you need are washable markers, crayons and what not, then sit back and watch them create a masterpiece. Cats and children are a lot alike. They love to explore, and investigate everything. They get into everything, but when it's time to snuggle they snuggle and cuddle. So love your Children and furry babies, go give them a hug and a paper bag, take an adventure today. Happy Cats.

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