Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mom Forgot.

We would like to apologize for our mom. Sometimes she just forgets that she was going to do something, like tell you about the cat book of poems. Well we will take care of that for her tonight. The title of the book is I Could Pee on This. It is by a man by the name of Francesco Marciuliano. He also does the comic Sally Forth, which you can view in most local newspapers. Anyway on with the poem, Jezzebel I can type this get out of the way, just read it to me. Didn't know we could type and read did you. We like these two, as it reminds us of Jekyll. So here goes and we promise mom will be done with the book she is reading tomorrow. Happy, happy Mom lost in her book. Goodnight, say goodnight Jezzebel. I Lick your Nose I lick your nose I lick your nose again I drag my claws down your eyelids Oh, you're up? Feed me. This is My Chair This is my chair This is my couch That is my bed That is my bench There is my chaise There is my settee Those are my footstools Those are my rugs Everywhere is my place to sleep Perhaps you should just get a hotel room

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