Monday, February 24, 2014

Now they can Read?

Not only have they learned to use the computer they now can read. I have very smart cats, yes indeed. I hope Phantom's tail was entertaining? Things have been interesting around lately. Jezzebel has decided that she just isn't going to take any more crap from the big cats. They have taken over the bed and she decided to take it back and not let them tell her she can not sleep on the bed with mom. And Jinx decided the same thing, it is a bit difficult to sleep with 4 cats on the bed. Thank goodness Sophia prefers sleeping near Jake the dog. As I mentioned Jake is very sick, and we are making him comfortable and Sophia just sticks tight to him. More on this at a later time. Frankly I need to kick them all off the bed and just shut the bedroom door. But I am sure Phantom will sit outside the door and scratch at the door. He is really cute as he stands on his hind legs and paws at the door to get in or out. Jekyll will sit outside the door and just stare at it, hoping by some miracle it will magically open. So as I share the bed with these crazy cats I am lucky to get any sleep. On that note the alarm goes off early so Good Night. Silly Cats, Sleepy Mom.

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