Thursday, February 27, 2014


Cats go thump, thump, thump. This is especially true for Oscar. Oscar is my friends 6 toed cat. He is awesome and very beautiful. Sorry I don't have a picture of him, but will get one. Oscar lives in a house with two other cats that he loves to irritate. But hey when your awesome you get away with it right. Maybe so. Anyway my friend and her mom were watching television and heard a noise and started looking for the source, totally expecting it to be Oscar of course, after looking in the bedrooms and not finding him my friend looked in the bathroom and still didn't find him till she looked up on the cupboard and there he was. She said it startled her, and she tried to get him to come back down but he wouldn't. She figured he needed help down as he didn't know how to get back down. Sorry my friend he did know how to get down he was just playing on your sympathy. Cats like high, very high and down low under any where that they feel safe. These are passed down from generations of cats, going back to the beginning of time. Hiding is a specialty of my cats, and most others. They go where you least expect and if choose not to be found, there you go can't find the cat. My Jinx is a master of masters at hiding, and when she chooses not to be found even the treat bag shake will not drag her out from wherever she is. Mystery never solved. So that thump in the night or day is probably your furry baby finding a special place to hide. Happy Cat.

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