Thursday, July 3, 2014

I'm So Pretty.

This is Jinx, my constant fluffy companion. She is a fluffy one and is usually in my face when I am on the computer or reading ,watching television, or trying to sleep. She has this thing she does when I go to bed. Gets on the bed, swirls around my head, leans against me and touches my nose with hers, and finally settles down after this ritual. Then about the time I am almost asleep she walks over me and gets off the bed which wakes me up fully. Sometimes she decides to get back on the bed and the ritual starts all over again. I don't mind so much, and enjoy her company. She is the most even tempered kitty that I have, she likes to tussle with the other cats, but isn't mean about it, like Jezzebel is. She isn't much for playing, but enjoys petting and getting brushed. She is the easiest cat to have her nails clipped, and has only one thing she hates, and that is being picked up and walked around the house, or just picked up. This is fine Jezzebel likes to be carried around. Jinx is a beautiful cat and fluffy, her colors are like a rainbow, but I cannot say that she would be considered a Calico. Well that is all for today. We will check in tomorrow and hope if you are on the roadways tomorrow, we want you to be safe. The cat's and I enjoy our time with you, so be safe.

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