Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Jinx Hijinks.

On Saturday I went visiting, and was gone for quite awhile. When I arrived home, I got out the canned cat food for the kitties. I got out the bowls set them on the counter opened the can, this always brings everyone running. But after I set the bowls down, no Jinx. Hmm. I wonder where she is. I looked high and low, and low and high. In closets, cupboards, everywhere. Then I remembered that when I walked by my son's bedroom window the screen was pushed out a bit. Oh my, she got out I just knew it. I found my son and told him he needed to help look for her. I had no idea how long she had been out, I'm sure it was hours. I finally found her under the neighbors house where she had a spot that Jinx could get under, I had a heck of a time getting her to come out as the neighbor has a yippy little dog, whom the neighbor said had been barking for awhile. It took me ten minutes to get Jinx to come out from under the house. She looked pretty worse for wear, and was all fluffed out as she was scared. Now I know she likes to go outside, but why she didn't come back over to our house I don't know unless she went out back and the dog chased her under the house. So I was then on a mission to get the screen fixed. I had a good friend whom said he could come and fix them. Well Sunday morning I got up went about my business and went to town to get groceries. When I came back I noticed Mr. Pees A Lot had peed on the back room floor and Sophia was trying to bury it with cat litter. So I set about cleaning up the mess and clean the litter boxes. I then headed to my bathroom and as I was walking in my room I see a cat stuck to the outside of my screen. Jinx had gotten out again. I dropped the bag of used litter and ran out the door, and she came running to me. And again I have no idea how long she had been out, but her belly was dirty, so under the house she must of been. Jinx was fine, but I did get those screens fixed, as I would be very sad to loose one of my furry children.

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