Friday, November 22, 2013

It's a trap I tell you, it's a trap.

On any given day someone is trapped by another cat or so they think. Lets see under the table, in the bathroom, the backroom, the litter box, on the bed. It can happen anywhere. The most favorite spot to ambush another cat is in the litter box, where of course who wants their business interrupted. How about the box. That is always a good spot to attack another cat, they don't even expect it. Wham another cat jumps in or on the box and the cat inside the box gets the heck scared out of them. Then the chase begins till one or the other gets bored. The famous trapped in the bathroom is my favorite. One cat goes in tries to come back out and another cat just sits in the doorway so other cat cannot pass without paws and claws flaying around trying to hit each other. Or they have a staring contest which no one wins. Finally this passes too as someone always gets bored and moves on to the next cat to irritate. Of course the sleeping cat is a fun thing to attack or scare. Goodness there are plenty of places to sleep but someone always covets that one spot. Well as I sign off, it is all quite on the cat frontier. Happy Mom.

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