Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Oh me , oh my, why me!!!

I decided that I needed to crochet myself a scarf, it gets mighty cold here in the winter. So I proceed to get out my crochet hooks and yarn and found the color I wanted and so did Sophia. She likes purple. I may just have to make her a blanket. So I settle down with some Christmas show, that is about all that's on in the afternoon and plan what I want to do. I try to make a plan, but the cats all think that they have to help me. First Jezzebel gets herself tangled up in the yarn I plan to use, I get her out of the way then Jinx thinks she needs to sit in my lap and help me out. Not working for me. She then proceeds to jump down and takes everything with her. So on to plan B. I go and get out their treat food, divide it up and tell them to have at it. This will only take them a few minutes to eat but with full bellies they will go and lay down. Alright on with the crocheting. I get about fifteen rows done and Sophia finds the loose yarn I'm working with and takes off across the room with it, I have to go fetch the yarn and rewind the ball, she got about two or three yards of it across the room before I can stop her. I really what to make this, maybe I should just lock myself in my room, it won't be peaceful because they will sit outside the door meowing and scratching the door, but I get my scarf done. Off to do just that. Happy Mom.

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