Thursday, December 5, 2013


Cats do weird things, I always think it is only my cats, but I know better. My friend has a six toed cat that is so freaking funny, every time I see him he is up to no good. She had a tiara on her dresser which he proceeded to get and carry through her house with it in his mouth. She would take it from him put it back and a few minutes later he would go get it and bring it back out and carry it. It had feathers on it so I'm thinking this was what he wanted. Well now I have Jekyll who as you can see in the picture made himself so comfy cozy on the bed, yes he crawled under the covers and turned around and laid his head on the pillow. You do know that I am only here at the beck and call of my feline babies. They have also learned how to make the reclining chair lay back, don't ask I don't have a clue how they do it, but yet I saw Jekyll with the chair reclining this afternoon. Phantom will wrap himself in the drapes and get stuck, and then cries because he can't figure how to unwrap himself. Really you got in there now get out. The other cats sometimes sit and watch the whole process and then jump him. Ahh the funny farm is probably much more quite than here, I need a nap. Happy crazy cats.

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