Thursday, June 5, 2014

Hey what is that?

Well what is under the couch? Hmm must be something good, I can't reach it. Well it has to be something Phantom was just over here and reaching under the couch. Okay need some help here, what is that, maybe food, a furry mouse, catnip, no. Mom I can't reach it, was is it? This is Jezz's problem. She just happens to be nosey, and it can tend to get her into trouble. My sock drawer gets her in trouble, my closet and the drawer in the bathroom. If a drawer is open just ever so slightly she gets herself into it and slips somewhere she shouldn't. The way dressers are made especially the not so expensive ones that have a space that a cat can finagle her way from one to the other, and then become trapped. I have know her to be trapped by another cat shutting the top drawer and then Jezz is stuck in a drawer until I finally realize she is lost somewhere. So what ever was under the couch can stay there, as I certainly wasn't sticking my paw under there. Hey it could have been a big spider. And we don't do spiders in my world. Well anyway the couch was moved about two days later and hmm there wasn't anything under it. Unless it was that spider and well he went to Goodwill with the couch. Thank goodness. Someone else's problem. Cat's are masters at nothing and everything. They are agile and slinky. They go where no man has gone before and become trapped like a rat when they become to sassy for their fur. So watch out for whatever lurks under the couch and if it is a spider, I do not want to know.

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