Monday, June 9, 2014

Momma Cat Blues.

Hi I'm Momma Cat, and I am tired. It seems as though I never have enough hours in my day to do everything I need to do. At the end of the day I am tired. I am tired of work, doing laundry, keeping up with cats and litter boxes and cat food and cooking, and I could go on. I won't though. As the top cat in the house I have to break up cat fights, and smooth out ruffled fur, I sometimes wish I was a real cat. Then I would hope that I could have a nice cozy home and a loving pet parent. I could curl up in a sun beam, or cozy a warm blanket, lay on the couch, or bed or any where I wanted to, someone would feed me, pet me and care for me. I could be aloof if I wanted or a fluffy bundle of fun. I could run around the house and cause chaos or chase imaginary butterflies. I could knock things off the counter and who would really scold me, I want to be a cat. I wouldn't have to clean house, go to work or do laundry, I want to be a cat. I could turn up my nose at the cat food if it didn't suit me, knock over the water dish, scatter cat litter everywhere, and hack up fur balls, and who would really care. I could terrorize the other cats or be sweet and cuddly. I think I want to be a cat. I could hide in the cupboards and scare the humans, or open the dresser drawers and pull everything out of them, and would only getting a small scolding and really who would be mad for long at me, I would only be just a cat prone to mischief, and HAVOC would be my name. Happy cat.

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