Monday, April 7, 2014

Mom's taking a nap.

Hi I'm Jezzebel or Her Highness whichever. I prefer Her Highness. Mom is tired, so I thought I would sneak in here and say hello. You know mom comes home from work and the first thing she does is greet each and everyone of us, then she goes and fixes our dinner, checking the water dishes and filling our dry food dishes. Then on to litter box duty. After all of that she then sweeps up the floor around our litter boxes. Then when she is done with that there are other things mom must attend to, like fixing dinner for the humans who live here, maybe doing laundry or straightening the house. She is always busy. I would help her if I had opposable thumbs, but alas I do not. I am pretty good at guarding her from those pesky boy cats though. My, my, my, they are a needy couple of boys, you'd think they were girl cats. Come to think of it. Never mind. Well that's all I have, Jinx say hello. Sophia where are you come say hello. Phantom go away I can do this just find without you. Hisssssssssssss.

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