Tuesday, September 16, 2014

10 Cats who like water. Get the pool Mom.

Not all cats dislike water and here are ten who readily like it. So here is the first cat. MAINE COON: Popular ship's cat in his native New England. Captains are know to have a Maine Coon aboard their ship. Good Luck? Could be. NORWEGIAN FOREST CAT: Can snag a fish from lakes and streams. They are a large cat as is the Maine Coon. ABYSSINIAN: From the Indian Ocean costal area. Loves to play in water of any kind. Keep the potty lid shut. MANX: A native of the Isle of Man off the coast of Britain. Will play in his water dish or join you in the shower. The profile picture I have on this blog is a Manx cat. JAPANESE BOBCAT: Likes to splash in the water, and can learn to turn on a faucet. Great. Just like having kids. BENGAL: An exotic appearance of a wildcat. Likes water and plays in it as well. AMERICAN BOBTAIL: Often will be found dunking their toys in their water dish. What a mess that is, I have a cat who does this frequently but is just a goofy Siamese. SAVANNAH: This cat is a crossing of a Serval cat which is a small wild cat and domestic cats. Likes to be creative, haha, is know to be a handful. TURKISH ANGORA: Very fond of playing in water. TURKISH VAN: Legend has it this cat was on Noah's Ark and when the ark landed swam shore. They will also thank you if you buy them a small child's pool for those long hazy warm days. So if you want a water cat these are some good choices. The first two mentioned have long hair and are rather large cats. They are very beautiful. Bengal's are also a large cat and very beautiful as well. I like Manx cats with their natural bobbed tails, or rather no tail almost. Moe the Manx cat on my blog was a very good sized cat and very loving. If I was to choose a cat it would be one like Moe. Well hope you enjoyed this segment, as I enjoyed finding the information for you. We will be talking about some solutions or suggestions on how to deal with cat hair next. Happy Water Cat.

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