Sunday, September 28, 2014

Traveling with a Cat. Yikes

Sometimes it is necessary to travel with your pets. I find dogs travel much better than cats, and have never had a cat that was jumping up and down by the door to go for a ride. Now take a dog for instance, just grab your car keys and there you go. Dog at door drooling over the prospect of getting in the car. I don't care if you just move your keys, Dog is READY. Okay so I found this article with a few handy tips on traveling with Kitty. I can only say I want to do this as much as I want to don a Kevlar suit and bathe a cat. You see my point right? If you must travel with Her Highness, or His Highness, here are some tips to help make the ride better. Not better than what but here goes. The most important thing to remember is you are driving and must still concentrate on the road, and if you are lucky your furry ball of charm will just sit on the seat and snooze. ( Just for reference I am adding a lot of my own comments, but the tips are from Pets360 web site.) Cats can get motion sickness (just like children). So to start out take some very short road trips to help Kitty adjust to riding in the car. If possible do this on a daily basis until the road trip. Hyper cats may need medication to deal with the trip. Talk to your Vet, and get his or her recommendations, and medications for a safer trip for Kitty. The best bet for transporting a pet is a comfortable car carrier, less stress for you anyway, and the cat will not be under the seat or near your feet and the gas or brake petal. Place inside the carrier a favorite blanket, or even something with your smell on it, like a tee shirt you really where meaning to throw out. Food, water and treats. Bring kitties own brand of food, and you need to bring water from home. Do not take chances with water from strange places. May upset kitties tummy. Get a copy of your cats medical records just in case a Vet visit is needed while away. Also I suggest that you ask your Vet for recommendations if they know of someone in the area, or just get yourself on line and check it out. Leashes and a collar are important as well. You may stop to take a break and so does Kitty. The most important thing to remember. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAT IN A HOT CAR. The temps can rise very quickly and a cat can suffer heat stroke in minutes. This can be fatal. So you want to travel with Kitty? I really suggest hiring a trusted family member to come to your home if at all possible to watch your Furry Child. They would really be more comfortable. But if that is not an option, take care and have a safe trip. Happy Cat.

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