Saturday, September 6, 2014

Happy Cat Month. Saturday.

I came home yesterday with two rescued cabinets. My son and daughter in law are redoing their kitchen, and they had two awesome cabinets that I can make into an island for my kitchen. Now these cabinets have no backs on them and also I need to connect them by one counter. No problem, I found the perfect solution on Pinterest for the project. Now the real story. Any time you bring home something new everyone has to check it out. First we must jump on top of it and see what it is. The next process is to see if we can climb into it. Yes we can perfect. But then unfortunate problem is that a cat is in the cabinet and another cat also wants to check this out and freaks out first cat, so I open the cupboard door and out streaks a cat. The next space is where the drawers go, and of course someone has to check that out as well. So much for putting the drawers back in. So around and around the cats go. One on top one on the floor stretching out to try and touch the top. Of course Jekyll is long enough he can touch the top. This is now his second favorite spot. King of the kitchen, now I just wish he would learn to cook. Bring anything in and it has smells from where ever it has been, and with the keen sense of smell cats have nothing is safe, it has to be sniffed and or pawed at. If it is not to interesting they will move on, but if it smells good or really interesting wait to put it away, it's good entertainment. Well we will keep you informed of our island project, and I will post before and after pictures for you, with a cat or two posing of course. Happy Cat.

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