Monday, September 29, 2014

Media Madness, and the Irreverent Vet.

Parts of this article will come from the "Irreverent Vet at Pet The original piece is from a USA Today article. I found this so amazing that I had to report this in my blog. Sometimes I am just wondering who writes this stuff. So USA Today published an article called "Letting Pets Sleep Next to You can Make You Ill". The Irreverent Vet published a rebuttal. "Sensationalized" headlines sell newspapers and unfortunately, they can also make stupid people do stupid things. I heard about a family that wanted to get rid of their dog because of this article. ME: Seriously people think this over, you are going to destroy your dog over an article that may or may not be true. Then USA Today article states that about 14 to 62 % of owners let their pets sleep with them. ME: Yes I do. They warned that this is a potentially dangerous due to a "hair raising list of possible pathogens". They cite diseases such as cat scratch fever and the plague. Not only letting your pet sleep with you dangerous, so is kissing your pet. ME: Am I dead yet? Yes I am writing this from the great beyond. So is walking outside, so is interacting with other people. ME: I think interacting with some people is more dangerous. The article goes on to say the risk is rare. ME: Most people quit reading after danger do not sleep with your pets. But often by this time the damage is done. The chances of diseases spreading from pets to people is possible but IT IS VERY RARE. The vet goes on to say he has never known anyone to get a disease from a pet, especially while sleeping. Nope I'm still here. And as a veterinarian, I've never contracted a diseases from a pet. Many owners sleep with their pets and live to a ripe old age. We I really enjoyed the article myself and that is why the clan and I decided to share it with you. We were very amused. If I couldn't have a baby or two sleep with me it would be weird. Now I know this is not for everyone that is fine. People must do what they have to sleep comfortable. Also before jumping to conclusions you must read an article through and think it through. If you have questions you need to research them first. Happy Cat.

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