Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Loony Moon, and did that Cat just do that?

So today we will give you the rest of the lunar phases. Okay the phase at my house has been loony. I always know when the Full Moon is getting ready to appear. I do not need a calendar. I have five little calendars to remind me. Take Jekyll, I mean really take Jekyll. Yesterday as I was wrapping up my blog he decides to attack Sophia. Now he has at least 14 pounds on her and she is fighting for her little life. Full Moon lunatic. Dr.Jekyll (and Mr. Hyde) is just sitting in his box like nothing ever happen. Who me is the Look I am getting. So after I check Sophia over she is fine, I go and give Jekyll the LOOK. He of course is so innocent. Well on to the rest of the story. We went over the first three phases as being the Full Moon, the New Moon and the Super Moon. I was given to understand we just had a Super Moon recently. I missed that one. The next moon on our list is the Waning Moon: The Waning Moon is a time when sensitive animals will tune into their sixth sense and know it is time to hunt, gather food, and build their homes in order to protect their families, and prepare for the future. The Waning Moon unlike the Full, New, and Super Moons acts like a brake. For the animal, domestic or wild, it is time to put natural instincts and the nesting mode into action for self preservation. Waxing Moon: Sensitive animals use the Waxing time frame to rest, to heal and to become more aware and alert to its surroundings. It is an interval to slow down. Sleeping and staying calm are par for the course of this moon phase, unlike other action orientated lunar phases. It is a period when animals become more aware of the connection between soul, mind and body. Its a time of awareness of well being and celebration of life. Blue Moon: The Blue Moon occurs when there are two full moons in one month. In other words, the lunar phase is much like the Full Moon and repeats its patterns. The difference between two Full Moons comes from the astrological sign the moon is passing through, therefore the intensity of one Full Moon would effect an animal's psyche in one area of life and the second in another area of life. It is like our companion animals and wild animals get a double dose of the Full Moon and its intense vibrations on Earth. The clan and I hope you enjoyed this information, we enjoyed finding out about the moon phases and the effects. These effects happen to humans in some form or another as well. Happy Loony Cats.

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