Friday, September 26, 2014

Hello from Cat Land.

Well we certainly haven't visited with you lately. I developed an allergy to something so I have been a little lax in doing anything. No it wasn't the cats. I thought maybe it was flea bits as we have been battling fleas again. We cannot catch a break here. It's not like when Jake was alive and bringing them in the house, I do suspected it was a visiting dog that we babysat for a week though. Once you get the darn things it takes a lot to get rid of them. The boys and girls are just as fed up as I am. You treat the flea situation by doing so many things. Vacuum everyday, wash bedding yours and the cats and on and on. But I didn't get bit by fleas as I suspected, I really believe it was a shampoo that I used and it caused the problem, I broke out in a very itchy rash along my hair line and my face. So as I was so miserable it was just enough to go to work come home, feed my babies, change litter boxes then take some Benadryl and then crash. That stuff makes me sleep. I am a bit better today, but still tired. We will catch up with you in the next two days, yay weekend off and I have a lot to share with you. Right now I have to find the dang fly that is making all of the cats crazy. They can see it I can't but they are racing around the house and jumping on everything knocked over a lamp already and Phantom watch out. Found it. It landed on me as well as he did, get down. Gotta go! Love from Cat Land.

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