Sunday, September 28, 2014

We are united.

Not sure what these two were up to but, they were talking to each other. As a rule cats to not communicate with each other. The usually only talk to their humans or their babies as a rule. I am sure these two where plotting on how they could get rid of Her Highness. I think they are just sick of her sassiness. But I must say Phantom, is just as bad. He is needy and likes to egg Jezz on. He will walk up to her, like to say, "Hey Girl what's up" this sets her off and she hisses and slashes out at him. He is so dorky he will go back for more instead of backing off. Jekyll will for the most part ignore her, but for some reason he goes after my little Sophia. So I am really thinking that these two were plotting the demise of Jezz. Boy I hope not, maybe they were just chatting about dinner plans. Nope probably not. Happy Thoughts from Cat Land.

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