Saturday, September 13, 2014

Mom's Away.

Hi everyone. While Mom's away I am filling in for her. I'm Jinx. I learned to use her computer after sitting in front of it every time she is on it. I also learned how to play a few games while I was trying to lay on the keyboard. So after I am done here off to play a game or two. Today everyone was not happy to see mom leave. The boy was here but he ignores us, except for the big cat and Sophia. Sophia sneaks into the boy's room and hides under his bed. When we can't find her, mom always knows where to look. Jezzabel really hates when mom leaves and she will go and lay on the bed waiting for her to come home. Phantom just walks around the house like he is a king, and I am the good one I just curl up on the window sill and enjoy the sights. Jekyll stays in his box most of the day, and only gets up to eat and use the litter box. Today though we decided it was a good day to play. I gathered up all of the furry mice and batted them at the boy cats. It makes them crazy and they chase them all over the house. I swoop in and grab them when they are playing with them and then they chase me around the house. I ran into the kitchen with one of them and up onto the top of the cupboard. Haha can't catch me. Phantom sat on the floor trying to figure out how to get up with me, and Jekyll is really to big to make the jump. He did try it once and fell off the cupboard. Not a very pretty sight. I tired of the game and came back down, when I did I left the mouse up high. Phantom was looking all over for it, finally he gave up. Jezz and Sophia just watched the action. Well we hope mom comes home soon, we like it when she is here and spends time with us. I have to go I hear the game site calling my name. Happy Jinx. Oh yes mom will be back tomorrow and she said to tell you she has new pictures to share, so see you later.

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