Friday, January 31, 2014
I think I'm Hiding
I think I'm hiding is a game we play here often. Before I go to work I always take a head count. Why? Because I go in my closet to get work clothes, I open drawers, maybe I have to get something from the back room. I have found cats in weird places. Sophia crawled in the fridge one time when I was cleaning it. Jinx crawls in the dryer when I am putting clothes into it. I have found cats in the dresser with the drawers closed, I have found cats inside the sofa, I am not kidding. Cats in the cupboard with the door shut. They hide, and hide very well. I searched one day for Sophia for an hour, and was frantic, I just knew she didn't go outside as she doesn't like to. I finally found her on top of the hutch which has a decorative top on it and a super place to curl up and sleep. I have found cats under blankets in unmade beds, not mine mind you. I have found cats in book shelves, between the bed and the wall, I have even found cats behind the washer. Cats hide and do it very well. I once came home from work and found the silverware drawer open and Jezzebel in the next drawer down which held dish cloths and towels, well was she cozy or what. I had to wash everything in that drawer. I have found cats in a tub on the shelf above the washer and in the bins in my closet, I have found cats everywhere. Cats, cats and more cats. Cats hide, do you know where your cat is tonight. Tired Mom, Good Night.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Quite Time
It was so peaceful when I came home, I actually started my taxes. Jezzebel did try to help, but she gave up when I told her that she couldn't be a deduction for me this year. I told her even though she is my baby girl, cats and the government don't mix. I think that is just crazy, they are certainly part of my family, and I have full responsibility for them, so why can I not claim them? Well lets see, they are not human only in my head they are. I certainly talk to them as though they are people. I probably treat them better than my own children. I say this only because as adults they can treat themselves, the gravy train ended along time ago. I must admit I do have an adult child living with me, and I do 99% of the cooking, he does his share. Hey mowing the lawn and taking out the garbage is big for me, besides Jekyll and Phantom are to small to do those things. If I just could get some help with those dang litter boxes I would be one happy momma. But I forgot todays topic. Quite on the home front. Every single cat is fed, warm, snuggled and happy. Jezebel is currently helping with the blog, she is trying very hard to help type. But all in all how nice to not have five cats walking around and being cats, today they are good little people. So why the heck can't I claim them on my income taxes. Oh well. Happy Momma.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Not so fun cat and dog fact.
Marijuana poisoning in pets. This is from an article by Dog Time. It appears with the rise of legalization of marijuana that animals are eating the plant. Now I personally do not care what people do in their own homes, but if you grow and have pets and children pay attention to the effects on your pet. They include acting sedated, wobbly, act drunk, or it can go the other way, agitation increased heart rate and extreme distress. Dogs become incontinent stagger around and dribble urine. Not a pretty site I am sure. Other signs include dilated pupils, increased salivation, decreased body temps seizures and coma. All of these can provide fatal to your pet. Cats and dogs love to eat things especially if it looks good. A cat may think the stuff is his catnip. Or people who bake with it may just leave what looks like a really good treat that Fido wants, and Bam sick and possibly dead. The secondhand smoke can also be deadly to your baby, so take heed smoking weed may be killing your furry babies. Well anyway I told you I would also do information on pets, sorry it was a shocking tale today, but well I am all about making sure people read the good bad and ugly. If you have any comments about this story please feel free to do so, or if you have any other info let me know. I can also provide the web site where I read the information. Thanks and Happy Cat.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Ugly Pets or How Cute are You.
I was reading with interest a poll about ugly animals. Now I must say the people polled must of had pets. It was funny how some people responded. Now I have an ugly cat. Sorry Jekyll, but you are the most strangest put together cat I have ever seen. This does not mean that I don't like him I find that his unusual look is very endearing. He is sort of built like a bull dog, big broad shoulders and thins out towards his hind quarters. He also has one eye that is shaped rather oddly, and sometimes to look at him you think WOW. Some of the responses from people where how rude to call an animal ugly, that it was not fair to the animal. Okay tell me is a aardvark just not ugly, okay how about a rhino, not so pretty, and some dogs are just plain yikes. Okay I have to tell you about a new fad. Getting your dog painted and dyed to what make it more attractive. Okay I find that silly, even though I know pet owners are a bizarre bunch and we so do strange things, but really folks painting your dog. Paint a room, paint a painting not your dog. Alright I am entitled to my own opinion just like everyone else, but really, something's are just too much to bear. Now that's an ugly scary site a big old bear chasing you and roaring and teeth bared. So if anyone has an ugly pet so ugly it's cute let me know, I would be interested in hearing how you adopted your ugly little fuzz ball. Leave a comment for me. So hear is to all the ugly little critters in the world, REJOICE someone loves you. Happy Cat.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Mom's Day Off
Mom had the day off and we like that because we get extra attention. I like attention. My name is Phantom, and I like attention. So does Jinx she can wiggle her way around mom's little finger any day, must be because she is so cute and fluffy. I'm just the most handsome boy with my baby blues all I have to do is look at her and her heart just melts. Seems like when one of us gets attention everyone wants to horn in sometimes mom feels like she is spread a little thin. But she still does an awesome job. Like today we got treats because we were so good. I like treats. Sophia was acting so sweet today, what was up with that, she usually has to be begged to let mom pet her, lately though she has been alittle attention hog. Jekyll barely gets out of his favorite spot, the box, I tryed it out it is nothing special. Just a box that fits his big ole butt, but hey it's his and no one bothers him. Jezzebel was pretty good today and didn't hiss at me, so I know that makes mom happy. Well Mom will be back tomorrow, she is getting her hair cut and enjoying her day off. Happy Cat.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
A few fun facts.
These fun facts are courtesy of the ASPCA. Now I am not sure when they were compiled, but here they are.
The cost of owning a pet, I can assure you that these figures are either old or low end numbers. But if anyone has something better let me know.
Cat $1035.00
Small dog $1314.00
Small Bird $270.00
The report I read did not say if this was for a year or what, or maybe I just zoned out after a few minutes. Maybe I better double check. Like I said fun facts, as reported by a very tired Kitty Momma.
Now I really am not sure what I have spent in the last year for my furry babies. I suppose I really should make a journal for each month and see what it does cost. Maybe I really don't want to know. But I will and report back to you what it cost to maintain a family of five. Anyone want to take bets? If you want to figure out what it cost me yourself as in taking a guess, here are the items I purchase. Dry cat food, canned cat food, cat treats, catnip(do grow my own in summer), cat litter, toys, lint brush for mom, Prozac for mom, just kidding, I only take vitamins and occasionally something for a headache. Wine for mom, not kidding. Okay there you have it. So if you come up with something give me a holler. Happy Mom, now where is that wine Jekyll?
Phantom of the Opera?
Last night as I was settling in Jezzebel joined me and we snuggled up she was purring so happy. Jekyll was sleeping in his box, Sophia and Jinx were curled up in the living room and Phantom was somewhere. He usually curls up on one side of me and Jezzebel on the other. So I figured he was sleeping somewhere else, just as I drifted off to sleep I hear him meow very loudly and I call out for him to come in the bedroom, he just keeps up the racket and I figure I should get up and see what he is caterwauling about. Before I could I hear him racing through the living room to the kitchen and still making a racket, which is accompanied by a toy sliding across the floor, so he's playing but very loudly. I settle back down and am almost asleep again when I hear a very loud hissing spitting noise. This is Jezzebel who has chased Phantom off the bed and is standing guard at the end of it. I see Phantom on the floor looking at me with those big blue eyes as if to say really I just want to curl up and go to sleep. Jezz was not having any of this as she had decided it was time to take over her rightful spot next to me. So off Phantom went and as he left I heard a very mournful meoooooow. Kind of eerie. Not Happy cat.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Thoughts from Momma Cat.
Hello everyone, I just wanted to say that it has been such a joy for me to post the happenings of the Cat Crew. I know that at times I am probably rambling on and on, see I just did it. But as we really like to share the happenings in our house we thought and everyone voted my way that we would also share tips and such on the care of your furry babies. There really is a wealth of knowledge out there for you to read, but sometimes maybe you don't have the time to look it up. Just one time type in your search engine something you want to find out and up pops 109,999 items on that subject. I know been there done that. So each day or so in between the cat antics here we shall pick a helpful topic to share. If anyone has something they would like to learn or just FYI please leave a comment with your question and the gang and I will do our best to answer your question or give you a place to find the answer. We don't do windows but will answer dog questions as well. Much to the distaste of Jezzebel of course, but then again she doesn't like anyone but her momma. And as always if you have animals that live outside, please make sure that they have a good place to sleep against the elements, fresh water and food. This is especially for those of you in the northern states where this winter has been brutal. Take care and we will see you tomorrow. Happy Cats, especially Phantom who has claimed my laptop bag as his fave place to sleep.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Fluffy Cats
This is Jinx. Jinx likes to be in my face 24/7. Jinx likes to help type on the computer, and I actually think she could if I let her. But Jinx likes to rub herself all over my face when I am reading, typing or anywhere, time or place. Well I needed to download some important updates to my computer and I just didn't need Miss Fluffy Butt in my face, so today was Brush your Cat day. Jinx was first in line as she had my attention to begin with, then along comes Her Highness Jezz, she wanted to get in on the action of course. Well this drew everyone's attention, so for the next half hour I was brushing cats then lint brushing myself so I could check the computer and not get hair all over it, Jinx get off me. Down you go, always has to be in my face, you think she never gets any attention. So back and forth I go brush cat, lint brush myself and on and on. Wow, I needed a nap after that, but supper had to be made, then dishes done and litter boxes to clean. Well everyone is happy, they are brushed, fed, and napping except Jinx, she's in my face. Oh Jinx. Happy Cats.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
A Day of Rest
Today is Sunday and all is quite on the cat frontier. I am very grateful. I have had three wonderful days off and soon have to get ready to start a new week of work. I am very grateful to have a job I really like, I get to meet new people all of the time, but I am also grateful for home time especially when the son and grandson are not home and the kitty's are all being on their best behavior. So I have enjoyed the day. I was able to do some laundry, finish a book I had been reading, and start a crochet project. Every once in a while a cat would jump up on my lap to be petted and snuggled. So I wish everyone a peaceful day full of hopes and dreams no matter how small they may be. Blessed Be. Happy Cat. Happy Mom.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Visiting Miss Kitty.
Well I'm back from my visit with Miss Kitty and her momma. I can only say that when I walked through the door I was attacked by five cats. Her Highness was in a tizzy, seems she misplaced me and had to deal with everyone on her own. I see that she learned to type while I was gone. Interesting. Miss Kitty was in fine form and is such a beautiful kitty. She has the softest fur of any cat I have seen, and is such a joy to be around. Unlike my own little terrors. Yes I am talking about you five. Rotten cats anyway. Miss Kitty has her own routines and has trained her mom well. So you still want a cat. You do not own them they own you. Even so she is a good little girl and even she gets up on the counter, told you it's hard to keep them off places you don't want them, she is a joy to her Kitty Mom. Today Miss Kitty had some visitors on the railing out back. Five big wild turkeys who she likes to watch, sorry Miss Kitty they make three of you, so no you may not play with them. I must say she is really a good little girl and does have better manners than my bunch. Till next time Miss Kitty, I enjoyed my visit and can't wait until warmer weather so maybe you can go out and play. But not with the turkeys. Happy Kitty.
Hey where did Momma Kitty go?
Well this is just a fine kettle of fish. I wish it was fish. Yum. So here we sit the litter box is a mess we don't have fresh water our food bowls are full but what a mess they are. Cat food all over the place. So big guy what did you do with our mom? Ya I'm talking to you bearded one, WHERE IS OUR MOM? Seems she left but where is she. This is not right, I have to sleep on the couch, those big cats are hogging the bed again, if only mom was here. If mom was here those boys would get out of the way and she would protect me. But no I have to deal with them myself and when I hiss at them the bearded one squirts us with water. Really you are messing up my fur. Where is my mom? I hope she comes home soon. Not Happy Jezzebel.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
One cat away from crazy.
Today I think I maybe one cat away from crazy. Not like sick crazy, just crazed. I get home from work after traveling through a snow storm and icy roads and I am greeted by nutty cats. My son said they were out of control all day and he had to use the spray bottle to break up cat fights. Of course it was Her Highness, Jekyll and Phantom going at it. They chase her she hisses and he said they where just annoying. No annoying is coming home and being meowed and followed till I get to their needs, forget I still have my coat and boots on, my arms are full of purse, lunch bag and groceries. Come on mom hurry up we are starving, feed us, feed us, feed us. So I need one more cat and I will be completely crazy. I of course will not get another little darling as the ones I have are all I can handle. They say you are never more than so many feet away from a spider, proven fact. Well we don't have spiders at my house the cats eat them. But in our house you are never more than two feet from a cat. I swear that is the truth, like the cat on the keyboard, that would be Jinx. Thanks Jinx I can handle this. Happy Cats, Crazy Mom. P.S. The picture is Jekyll making sure I am cleaning the litter box to his specifications.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
A Friend Indeed.
How true about friends, sometimes you never have to say a word, they just know. The same goes for cats, at least my cats. Jezzebel is a good one to read my moods. I think that it is uncanny how this is. I suppose this comes from the years she and I have lived together. If I am sad she will come and comfort me, just like a person will. If I am happy she is charged up and ready to roll with what ever there is to do. She also gets mad when I leave to visit family out of town. Over all that cat knows my routine and I am sure if something happen to me she would be sad. Jinx is my little lover she can caress you with her paw on your cheek and brighten you mood. She is fluffy and comfortable to snuggle with and doesn't mind at all. I think that cats are tuned to their human counterparts, why I don't know but at my house I see this everyday. My son claims all is peaceful when I am not here but the minute I get here the air changes, kind of like lighting charging the air, as everyone vies for my attention like small children behaving badly. But a friend indeed, my furry babies except me for who I am and never have too say a word as usually I know what they are thinking, after all I am Momma Kitty. Happy Cat.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Jekyll Got His Groove On.
Jekyll got a new box today. As you can see he is very happy, move Jinx you cannot type, off the keyboard. Really stop we will play later. I received a delivery today in that box. So I cut the lid off and brought it home. I laid it on the floor and that boy knew it was for him. He got in it and laid down made himself very comfortable, well Phantom wanted in there as well. Jekyll was not having any of that and swat at him. I wanted to put his blanket in the box, but he wouldn't move, easy fix open a can of food. That worked. So while everyone ate I put his blanket in the box and Sophia decided to check it out until Jekyll was finished with his dinner, she moved when he stepped back into his box. He has now been happily sleeping in his box for awhile. Glad I made somebody's day today. Happy Cats.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Jekyll has a thing with boxes. I don't care if the box is to small for him, he will try to make it work. So does he get into to it and think yes I can, yes I can, fit in this box. Most of the boxes that have came into the house are not his size. He is a 3XL Tall in the domesticated cat world. That is a big cat. I know I mentioned that the boot box he took over was getting really broken up and that I didn't have the heart to take it away. He still has it even though I brought another box home. So out came the duct tape and I taped it for him. Hey if he gets great pleasure out of that boot box so be it. Jekyll is a weird boy, he has a meow that would only fit a smaller cat, and he tries to tip toe around like he is smaller but alas he is not. Sometimes I think he needs to go on a diet, but he is one solid cat, no flab on that one. Also he use to sleep in one chair in the living room with his blanket until the dog slept on it and made it stink, so even though I washed it and but it back, showed it to him, he now sleeps on my bed. I really wish he wouldn't as sometimes he traps me by laying on one side of me than Phantom lays on the other side, makes me feel like I'm a big ole sardine. He also has this habit of chasing little Sophia through the house, as I said he makes almost three of her. Well she runs from him and next thing you know she stops dead in her tracks plops down and raises on her hind quarters and strikes a pose with claws extended, ears back and hissing like a tormented snake. Jekyll stops mid chase sits down looks at Sophia as if to say I was only trying to have some fun. Then he walks away. I always wonder what he is thinking, or if he ever thinks at all. He appears to have excepted his fate, living in a house full of other cats, a rather surley 14 year old boy, a stinky dog and of course me. I suspose he is happy sometimes. As in the movies I wish he could tell me what he thinks, but I am not Dr. Dolittle and this isn't the movies so I will just have to do the best I can to read his body language and purrs. Happy Jekyll? Happy Mom? We'll see.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Napping Phantom
Sleeping Cats really are the best. You know why? First they are feed and content, second they have made sure the litter box is clean, and third they know Mom is safe and secure in their world. But best of all after the melee of me coming home and attending to all of their needs I get to relax and connect with the world. Now I do this in various forms. I check my email, check in with my mom and catch up on what everyone at home is doing, only to be polite. The polite part is sometimes I don't really care what my family who lives with me is doing. I like talking to my mom as we both have cats and she always keeps me up to date on what her pretty little one is doing. Ahh to have only one cat. I still need that cat nanny. A friend saw an ad on Craig's List for a cat nanny and I thought that was so weird as I had talked about just that. Now I would never advertise on that site, only because I would want a really reliable newspaper to do so. And again I know that there are a lot of weirdos out there, take my job for instance. Someday's I think Lord just get me through another day and home to my cats for a dose of sanity. Prozac you say, sometimes I think the general public needs it, as I am the only sane one left. No offence. But sleeping cats are so cozy and cute. They take on various poses and the spots they pick are sometimes bizzare. Jekyll has a boot box that he likes to curl up in if you can call it that. I have duct taped that box so many times, it really is wore out, but I don't have the heart to throw it away till I can find a suitable replacement. Sometimes I wish I could just curl up in a box throw my cares to the wind and nap. Happy thoughts, Happy cats, Sleepy Mom. Good Night.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Crazy weather, crazy cats.

Saturday, January 4, 2014
It's My Day Off
All I really wanted to do was sleep in this morning. The Holidays are over at least in my mind, so today was going to be get some long awaited sleep and then on to my day. Okay as I said I get up very early and the cat clan all know my habits. So in their minds everyday should be the same. Come on guys I want to sleep in. Jekyll get off the keyboard and off the counter. My whole day was planned out, sleep in get up shower get beautiful and go spend those gift cards. Thanks Mom for those, Jekyll move I can't see the key board. Yes my cats have no manners. They get on the counters, try moving a 24 pound cat when he wants to be where he wants to be. So up I am, feed the cats water the cats, check the cats litter box, good not bad. Now everyone can settle down and eat drink and be merry. Okay if you guys think you are going to go back to bed forget it, up up all of you. Sophia you can sleep good girl never wakes momma up. The rest of you dirty rascals can do something funny after all people want to know what your up to. Jekyll get off the counter. Coffee I need coffee. Hey could one of you manage to learn to make coffee, after all you learned how to open the treats. Geesh. Well off to shower, Jezzebel will probably join me, Jekyll one more time MOVE. Have a Happy Day. Happy Cat, Sleepy Mom.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Good Deed gone Wrong
I know that I have asked people to consider going to a shelter to adopt a pet, but please take into consideration that these animals need special love and attention. I am not saying that you wouldn't make great pet parents but sometimes things go horribly wrong. I want to share a story from a local police officer. I was hanging a new calender where I work and he came in, he asked what was on it and I said cats of course. I told him I was a Kitty Momma to five rescued cats. He then told me about the time he and a fellow officer along with animal control where called to a home in his township where they found 180 cats of all sizes and breeds, both male and female. These cats where in cages, males in one area of the house and females another. The man who had them was retired and they found out that he used his retirement check to feed them. He was sleeping on a mattress in the kitchen next to the stove. They said that the smell was horrendous. A vet was also there and she had to put three of the cats asleep right then. After the officers got the information they needed walked outside to get fresh air and found that they all had fleas covering the bottom of their pants and shoes, and they were horrified. The officer also told me that the man was known to trap cats and bring them home. I am sure at some point the man thought he was doing a good thing but somewhere along the line something happen to him. I know I sure would like to rescue more animals but as I do not have the place or money to do so I don't but sometimes people become obsessed and in the long run the animals suffer. So even though I ask you to help out and consider rescuing an animal in need, think long and hard, just like children they need love and attention and a safe place to thrive. Thanks for listening. Sad Cats, Sad Mom.
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