Friday, January 24, 2014

Mom's Day Off

Mom had the day off and we like that because we get extra attention. I like attention. My name is Phantom, and I like attention. So does Jinx she can wiggle her way around mom's little finger any day, must be because she is so cute and fluffy. I'm just the most handsome boy with my baby blues all I have to do is look at her and her heart just melts. Seems like when one of us gets attention everyone wants to horn in sometimes mom feels like she is spread a little thin. But she still does an awesome job. Like today we got treats because we were so good. I like treats. Sophia was acting so sweet today, what was up with that, she usually has to be begged to let mom pet her, lately though she has been alittle attention hog. Jekyll barely gets out of his favorite spot, the box, I tryed it out it is nothing special. Just a box that fits his big ole butt, but hey it's his and no one bothers him. Jezzebel was pretty good today and didn't hiss at me, so I know that makes mom happy. Well Mom will be back tomorrow, she is getting her hair cut and enjoying her day off. Happy Cat.

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