Saturday, January 4, 2014

It's My Day Off

All I really wanted to do was sleep in this morning. The Holidays are over at least in my mind, so today was going to be get some long awaited sleep and then on to my day. Okay as I said I get up very early and the cat clan all know my habits. So in their minds everyday should be the same. Come on guys I want to sleep in. Jekyll get off the keyboard and off the counter. My whole day was planned out, sleep in get up shower get beautiful and go spend those gift cards. Thanks Mom for those, Jekyll move I can't see the key board. Yes my cats have no manners. They get on the counters, try moving a 24 pound cat when he wants to be where he wants to be. So up I am, feed the cats water the cats, check the cats litter box, good not bad. Now everyone can settle down and eat drink and be merry. Okay if you guys think you are going to go back to bed forget it, up up all of you. Sophia you can sleep good girl never wakes momma up. The rest of you dirty rascals can do something funny after all people want to know what your up to. Jekyll get off the counter. Coffee I need coffee. Hey could one of you manage to learn to make coffee, after all you learned how to open the treats. Geesh. Well off to shower, Jezzebel will probably join me, Jekyll one more time MOVE. Have a Happy Day. Happy Cat, Sleepy Mom.

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