Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Quite Time

It was so peaceful when I came home, I actually started my taxes. Jezzebel did try to help, but she gave up when I told her that she couldn't be a deduction for me this year. I told her even though she is my baby girl, cats and the government don't mix. I think that is just crazy, they are certainly part of my family, and I have full responsibility for them, so why can I not claim them? Well lets see, they are not human only in my head they are. I certainly talk to them as though they are people. I probably treat them better than my own children. I say this only because as adults they can treat themselves, the gravy train ended along time ago. I must admit I do have an adult child living with me, and I do 99% of the cooking, he does his share. Hey mowing the lawn and taking out the garbage is big for me, besides Jekyll and Phantom are to small to do those things. If I just could get some help with those dang litter boxes I would be one happy momma. But I forgot todays topic. Quite on the home front. Every single cat is fed, warm, snuggled and happy. Jezebel is currently helping with the blog, she is trying very hard to help type. But all in all how nice to not have five cats walking around and being cats, today they are good little people. So why the heck can't I claim them on my income taxes. Oh well. Happy Momma.

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