Monday, January 20, 2014

Fluffy Cats

This is Jinx. Jinx likes to be in my face 24/7. Jinx likes to help type on the computer, and I actually think she could if I let her. But Jinx likes to rub herself all over my face when I am reading, typing or anywhere, time or place. Well I needed to download some important updates to my computer and I just didn't need Miss Fluffy Butt in my face, so today was Brush your Cat day. Jinx was first in line as she had my attention to begin with, then along comes Her Highness Jezz, she wanted to get in on the action of course. Well this drew everyone's attention, so for the next half hour I was brushing cats then lint brushing myself so I could check the computer and not get hair all over it, Jinx get off me. Down you go, always has to be in my face, you think she never gets any attention. So back and forth I go brush cat, lint brush myself and on and on. Wow, I needed a nap after that, but supper had to be made, then dishes done and litter boxes to clean. Well everyone is happy, they are brushed, fed, and napping except Jinx, she's in my face. Oh Jinx. Happy Cats.

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