Friday, October 4, 2013

Black Cat Blues

Jeckel is a very large cat. So imagine having 24 lbs of cat sitting on your head at 3:30 in the morning. All I can say is it is something to wake up to, having a stealthy cat jump on your nightstand walk onto the bed and be on your pillow above your head. And not wake up until he meows in your face. Black cat has a slight dandruff problem, he has very dry skin, so of course I really don't want him on my pillow by my head. But all in all he just wanted some attention and I found that he can get on the bed without me even knowing it. Just how can a cat that large move so quite, I have yet to figure it out. He never moves anything on the nightstand doesn't knock anything off of it either. Hey maybe a webcam, then I could see what they are all doing while I sleep, naw maybe I would rather not know.

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