Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mom it wasn't me!

Mom it wasn't me, I was in this chair the whole time. I never moved, I wasn't the one who knocked over the dogs water dish, I was in this chair the whole time. Don't I look cute, if not really comfortable. Now why do you think I knocked the books off that shelf, I wasn't up on the bookshelf, that was Jinx. Okay maybe I did knock over the witch in the rocking chair, but really that is an annoying decoration, every time I walk by that thing it cackles and laughs hideously. No I did not attack Sophia when she walked by me, I was in the chair the whole time. Never moved a paw, didn't blink didn't move, wasn't me Mom. So you still want a cat? Cats are like children, they get into things they shouldn't and pull pranks on people and other cats. That is a cats world. Have a Happy Cat Day.

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