Monday, October 14, 2013


All I need when I come home is cats with attitudes. Everyone thinks that they should be petted adored and feed the minute I walk through the door, funny thing is I think they know the minute that I am about to pull in the driveway. My son said that he always knew when I would be home as there would be a gathering of the furry ones at the door. At least one cat is sitting on the entry table when I open the door, sometimes this is a bit creepy. Today everyone is a bit testy, the black cat is chasing my little Sophia (she has been under the weather lately, another days story). He runs after her and at his size makes two and a half of her. My Momma tabby Jezzebel is hissing and spitting at Phantom the Siamese cat. All he has to do is get within three feet of her, and this happens. It is especially funny when he side hops towards her, this really ticks her off, ears flatten and snarling ensues. I usually have to rescue him. Then there is the adorable Jinx who thinks that she must help write this, so be it. Have a splendid evening.

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