Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Be pet smart, keep them safe.

Alright as you know I sometimes rant about things I see, so here goes. It is that time of year folks. Hot cars are not a place for your pets. Just like your children, don't lock your pets in a closed car ever. The temps can skyrocket to horrible high temps in a matter of minutes and fry your pet. If you must travel with a pet make sure that you put all safety measures in place. Water dishes that travel, and leave a window cracked open, and don't be gone eating dinner in a restaurant somewhere, it still gets to hot in your car. I hope you can hear me because things like this make me crazy, and there is no amount of Prozac or high blood pressure meds that can help the anger I feel when I see people leaving animals in their car. Last summer when we had temps at 101 I was in a store walked out and saw a car windows shut all the way and a dog in the car. Well let me tell you I walked into 3 stores and in a very loud voice announced that whoever left their dog in the car needed to get out to the car and go home before the dog died from heat stroke. I also in a really loud voice announced that I would be calling animal control if they didn't go to their car immediately. It worked and all I could think was that the low life's that came out of the store didn't deserve the beautiful dog they left in the car. So please think before you take Fido or FiFi for a ride, it may be their last if you are careless. Sorry to be so rude but if you are a responsible pet parent and care about your little ones, you understand. Your pet Thanks you and I Thank you.

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