Sunday, May 11, 2014

House of Cards, I mean Cats.

I think that the title is actually the title of a book, or somthing, but without the cat part. On to the photos I posted, as you can see yes this is a house of cats, and catered to cats. I have cats condos, cat perches, cat dishes, cat toys and on and on and on. Every where I step is a cat, they run in front of me, they lay on the arm of my chair, they take over my bed, they follow me to the bathroom, and the kitchen, sometimes out of door. Jezzebel took advantage of my grandson yesterday and out the door she went, right over the deck and into the yard, so we let her enjoy the outdoors for a moment or two. Time for me to figure out an outdoor space for the babies. I have seen some interesting spaces to make for the outdoors, so that they are safe. I found one on Pinterest that looked very easy to build, so I am going to see if there was directions for it. Okay Jinx that was me you just ran over the top of. Phantom leave her alone. Cats dropping from the top of a cupboard is nerve racking. Okay go lick yourself some where else, preferably the closet. Anyway, I can imagine how happy my girls will be when they can go out and not have collars and leashes on. Sophia not so much, she hates outdoors, will sit in a window that is open, but thats enought outdoors for her. The boys will probably like it as well. So enjoy the pictures, enjoy your day, and I hope the weather is good where you are, and from all of us here in the Catdom, we would like to wish Moms of all kinds, wheather you have human children or furry children. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY. Blessed Be.

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