Monday, March 31, 2014
March of the Cats. Day 31.
As you can see March of the Cats is coming to an end. I hope you have enjoyed the play on words for the month as much as I have. If not so be it. Today I have some interesting facts about cats for you. I really like finding these tidbits. So here goes.1)
There are over 500 million domestic cats in the world, this does not include feral cats. Wonder how many of those there are? 2) Cats and humans have been associated for nearly 10,000 years, wow that is a really long time, think centuries. 3) Domestic cats weigh around 8 pounds. 4) The heaviest domestic cat on record weighs in at 46 pounds 15.2 ounces. 5) Like humans, cats also possess blood groups AB. 6) The African Wild Cat is the grandparent of all cats. 7) On average, cats spend 2/3 of every day sleeping. That means a nine year old cat has been awake only three years of it's life. Wow that explains why I never get any sleep, they are awake when I'm sleeping, because they have slept so much all day long. 8) Mohammed loved cats and reportedly his favorite cat Muezza, was a tabby. Legend says that tabby cats have an "M" for Mohammed on top of their heads because Mohammed would often rest his hand on the cats head. 9) A cat lover is called Ailurophilia, Greek; cat + lover. So here are nine facts for the day. Hope you enjoyed them, as I enjoyed looking them up. As March winds down, may everyone have a wonderful day and look forward to warmer days and splendid sunrises, and sunsets with your furry babies. I enjoy spending this time with you and hope that I can spend many mores days with you. Please keep reading and enjoy, I am sure there are more adventures to be had here in the Catdom. Happy Cat, and Happy Momma. Goodnight Phantom.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 30.
Today was needy cat day. Everyone was needy. Boy it's a good thing I'm not needy otherwise this place would have been a mess today. As I was gone yesterday till latter in the day, I had to play catch up with my housework, and that included, getting kitty food and fresh cat litter. So I was busy all day, and if I choose to sit for a moment I had someone on my lap or in my face. I just don't know how I could ever go on vacation for a week, this place would fall apart. Well the cats would that's for sure. Jezzebel stuck to me like glue today making sure that I had no plans on leaving her for the night again, Phantom just couldn't get enough petting, Jinx wanted to have her fluffy tail in my face, Sophia was picking on Jekyll most of the day, and he kept trying to stay out of her way by curling up in his box. Sophia has been a bit weird since Jake the Dog passed. She has been a bit aggressive towards the other cats, she has even been taking on Her Highness lately. The sun was really nice today and also warmer so I did open the windows so the cats could air themselves out. This kept the peace for awhile until one cat thought that they should have the window to themselves. Well that's all for today, and April is within reach and hopefully warmer weather. Happy Cats, Tired Mom.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 29.
Hello I'm back, and I see Sophia filled in for me yesterday. A bit sarcastic she was, but I get what I got. Now I can only say that I came back to cranky cats, and Mr Pees A lot made a mess because he didn't think the litter box was clean enough. I guess the kitty's just think that they cannot not get along without me. But I do go and visit Miss Kitty's mom every few weeks, so I do have to count on the rest of my family to help out and keep things running smoothly for me. This doesn't always happen. Miss Kitty is doing very well. She does have one very bad habit, and that is chewing on electrical cords. So this is of great concern. So I am wondering if this is a lack of something in her diet, but it is something I am going to look into. We always hope that our furry babies don't do things that put them in harms way, but it does happen and we have to discover what is going on and why. People also do weird or unsafe things. Wonder why. Well it's late and tomorrow will be another day. Happier Cats.
Friday, March 28, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 28.
Hello Mom is out of town and someone had to check in for her. Now I don't know why I got stuck doing this but I drew the short straw today. So my name is Sophia and I hate to interact with everyone including the cat clan as mom calls us. Seriously do we look like a clan to you. Really what is a clan, like Scottish people running around in kilts, can I wear a kilt, I don't even have a true waist. Now how silly would we all look in plaid. Jinx would clash with anything plaid, now Jekyll might look good in a jaunty red plaid, he is black in color. Jezzebel would just sulk if she had to wear a kilt. So I ask do we look like a clan? There must be a better way, Jinx come take over I'm bored and I have to go sit outside the bathroom door, someone is in there. I have to sit out here and meow till whoever is in there comes out and pays attention to me. Really Jinx do you have to lick yourself right now, someone help me I don't want to do this. Where is mom anyway, and really she's not our mom, we are cats and not related in anyway, no you are not my brother Phantom, stop swatting me. Okay I've had enough, so good night for now. I hope mom or whoever she is comes home tomorrow. Not so Happy Cat.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 27.
Well as you can see the March of the Cats is almost at the end. Seriously I have had fun with this one. March has been a rough one. The weather has been extreme and everyone is very tired of it. I know my felines want fresh air, and they certainly want to go outside as well as I would love to be outside getting my flower beds put back in shape. I really would like to construct some sort of outdoor area for the cats that they could go outside and sun themselves on the milder warm days. Cats are affected by extreme heat as humans are, but as their little body temperatures are higher than ours can tolerate the heat a bit better. Not much , but if you ever notice even on days that we may consider it to warm they will still seek out a ray of sun or two. I know my bunch like nothing better than to sun themselves in the window with a fresh breeze blowing in the window. It is interesting to watch them as they look out the window and catch a smell on the wind. The nose goes into overdrive and the ears twitch and they are on high alert. What a beautiful sight. Cats can made a chortle sound when they see birds in a tree or a bunny in the yard. It is a strange chattering type of sound. When I here it and they are in a pounce position I know something has their wild instinct up. I am pretty certain that if they ever had the opportunity to try and catch a wild thing, they probably wouldn't know what to do with it. Then again maybe they would. So as we wind down the month of March, and look forward to warmer days, keep this thought in mind. Cats are interesting little creatures, they can love you or leave you. They are crazy and funny, soft and cuddly, or in my case need Prozac. Happy Cats.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 26.
As I have mentioned I start my day very early, and most days the alarm goes off and I shut it off and get up. There are exceptions to the rule though. I have stayed up later to watch reruns of the Big Bang Theory, or some other show that catches my attention. So I hit the snooze. Well on the days I hit the snooze I expect to grab a few extra minutes. This morning I was awaken by a very large meowing cat. I always wonder why my hair looks so crazy in the morning it's because Jekyll jumps on the bed gets on my pillow and I think sleeps on my head until the alarm goes off and then he proceeds to meow in my face until I get up. The reason I believe this is because if he isn't on the pillow in the morning my hair isn't crazy. Sorry no pictures of crazy hair will be posted. After all I do have my pride. Now I cannot figure out if he just wants me to get up or he really hates to listen to the alarm clock. Could be, I know I hate when it goes off. Jekyll is a strange one, and I just take it in stride. So if you wake up with crazy hair in the morning you may just of had a large cat sitting on your head in the night. Happy Cat. Today's picture is of Phantom, he poses so nicely.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 25
Today's topic will be about finding a good vet. I did look on the net for info, but of course you will get my home brewed views as well. Before I start that discussion I what to relay what I did today. My son called and asked if I would go to the veterinary that had put Jake to rest and also over saw his cremation, and bring his remains home. I said I would as it was near where I work. I must tell you it was very sad for me and I surly never what to do the same with my babies. I understand this is how my son choose to handle Jake the Dog's death, but I can only wish if one of my babies passes I can return them to the earth and bury them. How sad I felt when I went there, but they where very kind. Okay on to other things. Choosing the right vet. Your furry babies are best served when you and the vet see eye to eye. When choosing a vet, make an appointment with the vet you choose and go by yourself, yes of course it will cost you, but it will also give you a sense of the vet and the practice if you can talk one on one. Make sure they are current with the new practices, current equipment and that the facilities are clean, very clean. Low odor is important as well. A place to check for a vet you are thinking of using is the American Animal Hospital Association. They evaluate veterinary practices on the quality of their facilities, equipment, staff and patient care. Now I will tell you I have met some of the nicest vets, and some of the worst. I feel that anyone you have to care for yourself or your pets needs to have some personality. We have a vet in our community who I feel has no social skills what so ever. I am made to understand he is very good, but I do not want to ever take one of my furry babies to someone who cannot look me in the eye and respond when I say hello. Some of the questions you need to ask a potential vet are as follows. 1) Is the practice AAHA Accredited? 2) How are overnight pets monitored? 3) What sort of equipment does the practice use? 4) Does the vet refer you to specialized vets? 5) Does the practice have licensed vet techs? 6) What is protocol for pain management. 7) Does the practice take payments on high rate procedures?. These are just some good basic questions, and I am sure you all have some of your own. Well take care. Those of us in Catdom wish you a great March 25. Happy Cats, Tired Mom. Good Night.
Monday, March 24, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 24
Let's talk about the things cats do that can make you crazy. One item on my list is they can never throw up a fur ball on the kitchen or bathroom floor, it is either on the carpet or my bed. Yes my bed, I actually woke up to a cat hocking up a fur ball one night. On the bed. Geesh. Sometimes cats wake you up out of a sound sleep screaming, and I mean they can scream, or the crying baby sound that some cats can make. I have one of those, and it terrifies me every time I hear it, I haven't a clue to weather she is being attacked or stepped on, or what. So I get up and go look, usually with her it's because she is lonely. I pet her to soothe her and let her in with my grandson, or find someone she can curl up with. Now lets talk about those cats that like to bring presents. Now experts say that they could be bringing you a mouse or mole to thank you for feeding them. Or that they are sharing a successful hunt. In the wild this is what big cats do, and I guess that this is instinct. So if you find a present from your cat don't punish them, hunting is natural to them. In the cats world whatever they do is natural and what feels right to them. I have one who paws my arm for attention, and this is his thing, makes me crazy as I am usually doing something I think is important, but to them I am certainly not to busy to pay attention to them. My other favorite thing that makes me crazy is the big cat jumping on the bed and plopping down on my feet and is very hard to move, he is comfortable I am not, but I always feel bad if I make him move. I cherish my cats, and all of their quaint quirks. I just wish they would clean their own litter box. I still need a cat nanny. Happy Cat.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 23
This is Sophia claiming what I believe she thinks is her rightful place, you go girl. So I found some totally useful or useless information for you. Depends upon how you view it. These tidbits are from
Sometimes cats do things that make you wonder what it is all about. Head Bunting for example is a way that cats greet you are that they trust you. This is also a way of marking you. Those Small Boxes and places cats like. Jekyll I'm talking about you. Cats in the wild had to defend themselves against larger animals, so would find a small space to sleep and hide. In the home the small box or space is also a safe place and says not to bother me. When a cat Kneads you it's as if they are giving you a massage, enjoy, but chances are the cat is happy and content. Chewing Plastic, again Jekyll, this might be a way that your cat is saying I am stressed out , this is a condition know as pica. Humans suffer from this also. I f the vet has ruled out a specific illness, then try to get the cat stress free. Did you hear that Jezzebel, leave the poor boy alone. Well that's all for tonight, tomorrow we will talk about those presents cat's bring us. Happy Cat.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 22.
This is the chaos I had to deal with on Friday. So not only do I have chaos at home I sometimes have it at work also. In short we had to move a 12 foot section to access a drain under the shelving unit which proceed to fall apart. It just sort of tumbled down upon itself. So I see that Phantom filled in for Friday. He is such a good boy. We've actually had a pretty good week around here, everyone is being pretty well behaved, and I really appreciate it. Sophia has been asserting herself lately and fighting with Jekyll, she wants to lay on the bed and if he gets in her way she lets him have it. Now you all know how big he is and how small she is. Ears back teeth bared she is a force to be reckoned with. It is quite funny to see her in action, and she doesn't back down. The look on Jekyll's face is priceless. Shock and dismay, at how such a little cat can be so fierce. Well not much to really report today, but tomorrow we will get you some more fun cat facts and info, so take care, have Happy Cat thoughts.
March of the Cats, Day 21
Not much was going on in the cat world on Friday, so no one checked in. So in short mom had a very hectic day at work, and she will download pictures of what went on later at her work. We were are very worried as she got home later than usual on Friday. I mean after all we were in need of food and the litter box changed. Yes it sounds cold doesn't it. You know she has other people who live here but we think that they didn't care about us, just sat in the chair all day. We do know the man child is still sad Jake the dog died, but we are here and still needed attention as well. We really do try to entertain him, sometimes sad trumps happy. Well mom will be back for Saturday's account of life here in the burbs, and we hope everyone takes care. Happy Phantom. P.S. I am really getting into this typing thing, Jinx get away I can handle thisssssssssssssssssssss.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
March of the cats, Day 20.
Happy first day of Spring everyone. As promised I have some fun cat facts for you today. I think I picked some interesting things for you to enjoy. So enjoy........A cat can jump seven times as high as it's tail........A cat cannot see directly under it's nose. This is why the cat cannot not seem to find tidbits on the floor..........A cats IQ is only surpassed by that of monkeys and chimps in the animal world........A cats sense of smell is about 14 times stronger than ours........Americans will spend more on cat food this year than baby food........Ancient Egyptians shaved their eyebrows in mourning when their cats died........Cats are the only animals that purr. They can purr at around 26 cycles per second, which is the same frequency as an idling diesel engine........Cats do not think that they are little people. They think we are big cats........Cats make over 100 vocal sounds, dogs can make about ten. So to recap are there more cats in the world than babies? Makes you wonder. A dog is not as smart as a cat, cats know this, I know this and you now know this. Ancient Egyptians worshiped their cats, I worship my cats does that make me Ancient Egyptian or just crazy? I know for a fact that cats cannot find anything under their noses, as I have seen that in action. And in conclusion my cats can jump pretty high, but as when they are scared or another cat runs and they jump I certainly do not have a tape measure handy to find out how high they jump. So now that you have wasted another few moments of your life reading what may be useless information I wish you a wonderful first day of Spring. So may your cats jump high, you worship them, and listen to the little purring diesel engines that they are. Happy Cat.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 19
Today is Wednesday, which some people call hump day. The things we come up with amazes me. Cats and people are a lot alike in some aspects. I have a really good example. I run a retail establishment and have employees that work for me, I would rather say with me, but I'm old school. When I say work I am going to use the term loosely today. Now as with cats if they really want to see something they see it, but if they want to overlook it they do, I have employees who act just like my cats sometimes. They can walk right by something that is out of place and it will be there for days, I mean days. Now I of course I put it back, but just once in awhile I leave it to see if anyone notices it. Usually not. So I have cats who can do the same darn thing, if I want to play and throw little furry mice around for them I can be ignored for days unless it is interesting, then I can get them to pay attention. This is only if they deem it of enough interest and maybe there is a treat attached to the end of the game. Now my employees are paid, the work they do is not extremely hard, but if it isn't interesting enough forget it. So do I attach a prize for a job well done? I do say thank you and good job. Maybe it is about not being challenged enough. A cat will sleep his day away if bored, so are my employees bored? Could be, just hope they are staying awake. Well I see Phantom filled in for me on the 18th, what a good boy, his typing skills are getting much better, maybe he can run a cash register. That's all for today, tomorrow I think we will find some fun cat facts for you so we can keep you interested. Chow, and Happy Cat.
March of the Cats, Day 18
Well Mom is slipping again, so we will just let you know we were unable to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day because Jezzebel was being mean and no green beer or fish guts for us. On Tuesday we just hung around the house and waited for it to get warm, which it never really got there. But the birds were singing so we tried to catch a glimpse of them through the windows. We really wish they would come closer, I am sure they are tasty. Mom brought a new box for Jekyll and but it in the living room so he could lay in it next to her chair. He kept her company while she snoozed. poor Mom was really tired when she came home. Well that's all for today. Happy Phantom.
Monday, March 17, 2014
March of the Cats, Saint Patrick's Day.
The cat clan and I would like to say Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all. Now the clan all voted to celebrate with green beer and fish guts, but I said no way no how. So instead we looked up the meaning of Saint Patrick's Day. So here is a little history lesson. Jinx I need no help with this one, after all Momma Kitty is a wee bit Irish. No you are not Irish you are Calico. Saint Patrick's Day or Feast of Saint Patrick is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated annually on March 17 to honor the Patron Saint of Ireland. Known as Saint Patrick. Lore has it that Saint Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland, but as Ireland had no snakes, it was believed that the snakes were a symbolic meaning that the snake represented evil and the devil. So the tale symbolizes Patrick driving paganism from Ireland by converting people to Christianity. There are many interesting facts about St. Paddy's day, Ireland uses Saint Patrick's day to draw attention to Ireland. So for more interesting facts Google or Bing, Saint Patrick's day and learn some interesting facts. So today is not just a day to party it is actually a religious holiday in Ireland, and if you are celebrating with green beer, take care come back alive as the cat clan and I want to see you back here for more interesting tidbits of lore and facts, and just plain silly cat antics. Happy Clan, Happy Wee bit of Irish Kitty Momma.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 16
While mom's away they will play, and be so bad. This I did not doubt. I think they drove my son nuts while I was away, they were on the table, they were on the counter, they were stuck in closets they got in. My oh my I am so glad to be home. That was sarcasm. I must report Missy Kitty was very good during my visit, I do believe that I disrupt her natural flow of things and it does make her a bit testy, but she is such a lovely little thing. My own clowder of cats were just as testy with mom being gone. This is what I must bear. Lets talk about how cats and family are so much alike. I have a small but interesting family, and I shall not go into great detail as to protect their privacy. But such as cats come in all sizes , colors and shapes, as does my family. We are a melting pot of Americans that come from many distinct nationalities. My father's family was German, an something else I am sure as his name is hard to track. My mother is 100% Polish, and her family are people I always loved to visit as a child. I had a Spanish Uncle, and Polish, Spanish cousin. My Grandmother on my father's side married a Jewish man, so I have step Jewish cousins. I as well as my brother's were adopted, thanks Mom and Dad, as I am very special. I have a mix of Irish and American Indian, as well as my oldest has two types of Indian blood. I could go on, so you see as with cats we are all different and diverse, and special in our own ways. I embrace the differences in my family and cat family. So go on and embrace your culture and open your eyes to other people, and do as cats do, sniff it out make the best of it and try to get along.
Friday, March 14, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 13
Yes we know that we are a day behind, but in my world it works out that way. After the snowfall that we had and all the shoveling I had to do, I just needed my beauty rest and surprisingly not one cat choose to write the blog for mom. Now how can that be. Well the little darlings have been very sedate and not hissing or fighting the last few days, I can only say it must be that there is a member of their family missing. As I told you Sophia was Jake the Dog's best buddy. She has been very quite. My son even commented that she just wasn't right. I know that it will only be a matter of days and they will be better, but since mom is going away for a day, this will cause some distress as well. But it has to be. Cats are certainly odd little characters, they have whims and wants, they go around with those tail's of theirs swishing around when they are mad or happy, doesn't matter which. Watch a cat swish a tail sometime it is very interesting. A crouching cat is of interest also, doesn't mean they are going to pounce and kill something, it could only be to attack a brother to play. Such a diverse little animal. Purring cats also signal different things, these can vary. Some of the examples include contentment. A mother cat purrs to her kitten's when they return to her. A frightened cat will purr to appease the aggressive one (not Jezzabel). A cat will use it in self healing and in pain. Sadly enough a dying cat will also purr. I like to think my babies purr mostly as a sign of love. Happy Cats, tired but Happy Mom.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 12.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 11.
Ever want to see a cat head for the hills as fast as they can? Grab a vacuum cleaner and there they go the top of the couch, top of the dresser in a cupboard, on the refrigerator, any where safe from the loud roaring machine that they think just might eat them alive. If I want to get them under control I just grab the vacuum and set it in the middle of a room and they scatter to the safe places, and I can have peace and quite for a few minutes. You think that's mean, not really. I just have never understood how they became fearful of the vacuum or thunder. Of course it could be the loud noise it makes. But with thunder I have two that hide and hide so well I can't find them, and the rest could care less, one cat will sit in the window like a little storm chaser and watch it boom and light up the sky. Turning on the garbage disposal brings on about the same response, or my hair dryer, that one gets the bathroom cleared real quick. I think I will look into the effects of loud noises and animals, I am almost sure someone was given a grant to study that. So I will check it out and get back to you with that information. So for today we will leave you with this thought, as we told you Jake the Dog passed away yesterday, to those of you who have lost your beloved companion, my heart is with you and it is natural to grieve for your best buddy. Take care, Hugs from the Cat Clan.
March of the Cats, Day 10.
With heavy heart I must tell you that Sophia's boy passed away on March 10th,2014. Here is the last picture that I had taken of both of them, sleeping on the couch together. Jake has lived with the cat gang and I for almost 4 years, and he was Sophia's favorite, she followed him everywhere and sometimes drove him crazy getting under his feet, but I think that he really did like her. I know she loved him as only a cat can. Actually I think she preferred him over every other living thing in this house. I had a love hate relationship with Jake. He was smelly and hated to be brushed, but Jake was a good dog. One summer when I was unemployed I babysat Jake, this was before I became a kitty momma. My son was unable to leave him alone as he caused a ruckus and barked a lot, I think he also liked to chew stuff up, so Jake and I kept each other company for awhile, till I found work again. Jake was my son's best buddy, and if he wasn't working Jake was usually with him wherever he went. Jake Liked to ride. My favorite memory is of Jake sneaking off with the cat dishes they left with cat food in them, he would take them into my son's room and lick them clean. Jake will be missed, and I am sure most of by Sophia and my son. So rest in peace, where all good dogs go. Sad Sophia.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 9
Today is a day of rest, I said rest, lay down Jinx, no not there, get off the counter, get off the table. Lay down Jinx, it's a day of rest. My work is never done. I pick up after myself, I pick up after others, I pick up after cats, cats and more cats. This is the life I choose, or did it choose me. I do have a good life, I like my job, I love my family great and small. But today is a day of rest. So why did I do some laundry, play fetch with the cats and do dishes, it is a day of rest. I petted cats and cleaned bathrooms, swept the floor and played with cats, after all it is a day of rest. I am never done doing what I do and it's fine with me. Cats here cats there, everywhere there are cats. Now it's time to rest. Say Good Night Jinx.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 8
Here is some interesting information I read this morning. The article is by Virginia Wells. I will just give you the basics. This is about the sleeping behaviors of cats. Cats sleep between 13 and 16 hours a day, depending on their sleep patterns it can be a large part of the day or later in the day, and my wish would be when I am sleeping not when I am at work. Indoor cats mostly sleep out of boredom. I seriously wonder how my clowder of cats can be bored, after all they go around irritating each other when I am home. Most cats are active at dawn and at dusk, this term is called crepuscular. Just as cats in the wild have to be alert your domestic cat is always on alert (sometimes I wonder about that at my house) when he sleeps his finely tuned senses are still active and ready to spring into action. Ear's rotate as he stays in touch with his environment and if hears a noise will open their eyes and assess the situation. A sleeping cat can transform from a deeply sleeping cat to fully alert and back again. I have seen this in action, from sleeping deeply to alert and back to sleep. 0 to 60 seconds flat. Well we certainly hope you enjoyed this info, and the picture of Phantom, not sure why he was sitting in the doorway, but with his tail under the door it was cute. Happy Mom.
Friday, March 7, 2014
March of the Cats. Day 7.
If you have noticed that I haven't posted many pictures recently, that is because Blogger has to fix some issues with Internet Explorer 11. So unless I use my netbook which has XP on it I cannot upload pictures presently. My clowder of cats,(remember from yesterday) love to pose, well maybe only in my mind. So I will switch tomorrow as I have some good pictures to share. Today has been a beautiful day and my little lovelies enjoyed the sunbeams coming through the windows. I enjoyed the sun also, it reached about 48 degrees here today, how wonderful after having below freezing the last few mornings. Sophia was in rare form this afternoon. she was running around playing with the furry little mice, and batting them across the kitchen floor. She was having a grand time, then those big boy cats decided she was just having to much fun and took her mouse. Poor Sophia. Here is something for you, it's a thought I just had. I was having a conversation with someone today and they referred back to a conversation we had a few days ago. Well this person totally took the whole discussion the wrong way, and I guess I didn't make myself clear on the subject. So in the end I think they thought something that totally was not happening. So the moral of that is just talk to your cats. They never take what you say the wrong way and they don't repeat anything you say and if they don't understand what you just said to them, well what does it matter? And your cat really doesn't care. Well till tomorrow, say Good Night Miss Jezz, and get your butt out of my face.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
March of the Cats, Day 6.
Today was cold but sunny. I would rather have warm and sunny, but will take sun over gloomy and cold any day. So yesterday I gave you some really good questions to as a prospective pet sitter, I hope you found them helpful. As I keep saying I would try and give you an idea of what I spend to maintain my herd. What do you call a bunch of cats anyway? I better Google that. Okay is that a clowder. What the heck is that like clam chowder? I crack me up. So I have a clowder of cats? Did you also know a group of Crows is called a murder. Well some people do want to murder crows. A group of feral cats is called a destruction. Ok I am not kidding. If you don't believe any of this please feel free to check it out. Just Google it. Alright back to the matter at hand, and I need to hurry as my show is on in a bit. Sorry to rush you off, or is that brush you off. For cat litter I buy about 80 pounds a month at a cost of between 8.99 and 10.99 per 40 pounds. Food, now I mix two brands as I have a fussy tummy boy, so this I buy in smaller bags and yes it does cost more but I have to make the mixture just right, as I don't much care for puking cats. This cost me around 25.00 every two weeks. Now everyday I supplement the dry food with canned. The cost varies between 42 cents and 58 cents depending on the type I purchase. I give one 3.5 ounce can a day and split it 5 ways. So you can figure that one yourself. So this doesn't count when I buy extras. We are talking catnip, toys, cat treats, and whatever else strikes my fancy. My little clowder better get jobs, yup I'm talking to you guys. Jekyll could be a clown, and Phantom could hire his self out as a ladies man. Those eyes of his could make a buck or two. When he looks at you with those baby blues you just melt. Well time to go, say Good Night Phantom.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
March of the Cats, day 5.
Well today is March 5th. And guess what, your right it snowed again today. Ahhh it has to end sometime. My poor babies are craving the sun as is their momma. Alright as I mentioned I would have questions for you to ask a prospective pet sitter. These come from the Humane Society of the United States.
1. Can the sitter provided written proof of commercial liability insurance. And are they bonded.
2.What training have they completed.
3.Will the sitter record things about your pet while you are gone, likes, dislikes, fears, medical conditions.
4.Is the sitter associated with a vet who can provide emergency medical care.
5.Does the sitter have a qualified backup system in place in case of personal emergencies.
6.Will they provide services such as grooming, walking dogs, and or cats, and playtime.
7.Will they provide a written service contract, that lists services and fees.
8.Does the sitter have phone numbers of clients who will give references.
These are good questions to ask, and if you need more info on hiring a pet sitter talk to your vet. Remember to also pay attention to how they interact with your pets, this is just as important as any question you can ask. Well Miss Sophia is requiring my attention so got to go. Say Good Night Miss Sophia. Needy kitty.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
March 4, Still Snowing.

Monday, March 3, 2014
Jezz is not Happy. Third day of March.
Jezz is not happy, she is never happy. And an unhappy cat makes me unhappy. Poor little mamma wants to sleep on the bed and those boy cats are just so mean. Well she retaliated last night and hissed and spit till they just got sick of her and went somewhere else to sleep until about 1:30 this morning then I had a very large cat meowing in my face, and trying to sit on my head. I figure he was doing the Garfield act and the food dishes were empty. I seriously do not remember filling the dishes so I got up and looked. Sure enough they where not full. Fat little piggy's they are ate it all. Well today is March 3rd and it sure was cold all day. Everyone was complaining about how cold it was, coldest day yet. Well in my job I hear it all and after having 5 complaining cats at home I sure can zone out when it suits me. So if I look like I am really listening, I'm not. This is a trait that mom's can perfect if they really try, zoning out and pretending that the kid or in my case cat who is hammering away has your full attention. Practice makes perfect. Okay I have to admit that I listen everyday to what goes on in my world and sometimes if I am very quite I hear everything that makes the world go round, and all of the people and animals and such that touch my heart or make me just a bit crazy. Where is that Prozac, I mean where are you Phantom, darn cat anyway keeps getting lost. Well it's been a long day, as it was really cold, coldest day yet, and I'm tired. Say goodnight Jezz.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Day two of March.
The sun was shining on the frozen landscape which I might add had 4 more inches of snow included. But the sun was shining and the cats partook of the sunny spots by the windows. Open the curtains pull the blinds and a small herd of cats gathered around to enjoy the warmth. I wish that was all it took to make me happy. Happy for me would be a vacation in Tahiti right now. As that is not going to happen any time soon I take great pleasure in knowing so little made them happy today. One tiny ray of sunshine warming their little bodies. Cats like warmth, they can actually tolerate warmer temps than humans can. If I remember right cats internal temperature is around 108 degrees. I would not quote me though, but I think I'm right. So on those cold nights grab a cat and throw a blanket over him and yourself and see how cozy that is. Cats can warm your feet real fine, I know I have at least 45 pounds of cats warming my feet every night. Now that's bliss. Except when I try to move and that much cat fat is laying around my feet. Anyway on to day two of March, all I can think is March needs to march right on to April, and warmer days so the cats and I can built our Cat Patio. Ahh for summer. Cheerio from all of us in our frozen state. Jinx stop typing, say goodnight Jinx. Goodnight Jinx.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Happy March
All the kitties said to let you know that Spring is 21 days away. Now the calendar says that but the weather sure is not cooperating. We are all sick of the bitter cold and snow to say the least. Jezzebel ventured out one day about two weeks ago and I think she was shocked as she tried to find the grass which she loves to chew on. Poor girl stopped on the top of a snow bank and started to hunker down and meow so pitiful, I have had her out in the snow but have always held her so this was a new experience. I can say I can hardly wait to see the first crocus bloom, that is a good indicator that it is getting warmer and this is a good thing. I have been strongly thinking of building a catico for the cats. This is a structure that allows the cats to go out side and be protected from things like hawks and crazy dogs, or running out in the road, thus allowing them fresh air and a new place to be. I would love to have this and I am going to price it out and I do believe I can build it very inexpensively if I look around, and just maybe I have a few handy friends. You know those type good with a hammer and power saw. I'll keep you updated on this. Remember how I told you I was going to track the cost of keeping five cats. Well tomorrow I will start giving you a run down of what I spend. You maybe shocked. So for now I have dreams of a catico (cat patio)warm days and sunshine. Happy Mom, Furry Cats.
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