Sunday, March 30, 2014

March of the Cats, Day 30.

Today was needy cat day. Everyone was needy. Boy it's a good thing I'm not needy otherwise this place would have been a mess today. As I was gone yesterday till latter in the day, I had to play catch up with my housework, and that included, getting kitty food and fresh cat litter. So I was busy all day, and if I choose to sit for a moment I had someone on my lap or in my face. I just don't know how I could ever go on vacation for a week, this place would fall apart. Well the cats would that's for sure. Jezzebel stuck to me like glue today making sure that I had no plans on leaving her for the night again, Phantom just couldn't get enough petting, Jinx wanted to have her fluffy tail in my face, Sophia was picking on Jekyll most of the day, and he kept trying to stay out of her way by curling up in his box. Sophia has been a bit weird since Jake the Dog passed. She has been a bit aggressive towards the other cats, she has even been taking on Her Highness lately. The sun was really nice today and also warmer so I did open the windows so the cats could air themselves out. This kept the peace for awhile until one cat thought that they should have the window to themselves. Well that's all for today, and April is within reach and hopefully warmer weather. Happy Cats, Tired Mom.

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