Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March of the Cats, Day 25

Today's topic will be about finding a good vet. I did look on the net for info, but of course you will get my home brewed views as well. Before I start that discussion I what to relay what I did today. My son called and asked if I would go to the veterinary that had put Jake to rest and also over saw his cremation, and bring his remains home. I said I would as it was near where I work. I must tell you it was very sad for me and I surly never what to do the same with my babies. I understand this is how my son choose to handle Jake the Dog's death, but I can only wish if one of my babies passes I can return them to the earth and bury them. How sad I felt when I went there, but they where very kind. Okay on to other things. Choosing the right vet. Your furry babies are best served when you and the vet see eye to eye. When choosing a vet, make an appointment with the vet you choose and go by yourself, yes of course it will cost you, but it will also give you a sense of the vet and the practice if you can talk one on one. Make sure they are current with the new practices, current equipment and that the facilities are clean, very clean. Low odor is important as well. A place to check for a vet you are thinking of using is the American Animal Hospital Association. They evaluate veterinary practices on the quality of their facilities, equipment, staff and patient care. Now I will tell you I have met some of the nicest vets, and some of the worst. I feel that anyone you have to care for yourself or your pets needs to have some personality. We have a vet in our community who I feel has no social skills what so ever. I am made to understand he is very good, but I do not want to ever take one of my furry babies to someone who cannot look me in the eye and respond when I say hello. Some of the questions you need to ask a potential vet are as follows. 1) Is the practice AAHA Accredited? 2) How are overnight pets monitored? 3) What sort of equipment does the practice use? 4) Does the vet refer you to specialized vets? 5) Does the practice have licensed vet techs? 6) What is protocol for pain management. 7) Does the practice take payments on high rate procedures?. These are just some good basic questions, and I am sure you all have some of your own. Well take care. Those of us in Catdom wish you a great March 25. Happy Cats, Tired Mom. Good Night.

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