Monday, March 3, 2014

Jezz is not Happy. Third day of March.

Jezz is not happy, she is never happy. And an unhappy cat makes me unhappy. Poor little mamma wants to sleep on the bed and those boy cats are just so mean. Well she retaliated last night and hissed and spit till they just got sick of her and went somewhere else to sleep until about 1:30 this morning then I had a very large cat meowing in my face, and trying to sit on my head. I figure he was doing the Garfield act and the food dishes were empty. I seriously do not remember filling the dishes so I got up and looked. Sure enough they where not full. Fat little piggy's they are ate it all. Well today is March 3rd and it sure was cold all day. Everyone was complaining about how cold it was, coldest day yet. Well in my job I hear it all and after having 5 complaining cats at home I sure can zone out when it suits me. So if I look like I am really listening, I'm not. This is a trait that mom's can perfect if they really try, zoning out and pretending that the kid or in my case cat who is hammering away has your full attention. Practice makes perfect. Okay I have to admit that I listen everyday to what goes on in my world and sometimes if I am very quite I hear everything that makes the world go round, and all of the people and animals and such that touch my heart or make me just a bit crazy. Where is that Prozac, I mean where are you Phantom, darn cat anyway keeps getting lost. Well it's been a long day, as it was really cold, coldest day yet, and I'm tired. Say goodnight Jezz.

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